At present, because it is not possible to delete a list of things, the only sensible workaround involves 'orphaning' children by deleting their parent item.
It would be great to be able to create a filtered list of things to be deleted at a regular (say, nightly) interval to prevent these orphans piling up.
A use-case example is a shopping cart, creating tax/VAT line items for each basket item (on a one-to-many - eg, each line item can have state and local taxes - so that full tax reports can be run) - when an item is added to a cart, creating the tax line items is fine.
When an item is removed from a cart, it is not currently possible to delete all of those tax line items. By deleting the basket line item, these tax line items can be orphaned (and deleted manually later), with orphaned line items being excluded from checkout, but this is likely to lead to a lot of redundant line items in time.