
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


Headers, lists, galleries, forms, account settings, navigation and more! Beautifully designed interfaces for every part of your app on mobile, tablet, and desktop! Now, you can focus less on dragging out components one at a time and more on releasing your app to the world.
You can now see your custom fonts while editing your text in the canvas. Not sure where to start with fonts? Check out this video from when we added custom fonts over 3 years ago!
During the native app build, we convert images to a new color space, but this was decreasing the gamma of the image. We have corrected this. In order to get these latest fixes, you'll need to publish a new build.
Daylight Savings Time got us thinking about how we could improve our Date and Date & Time Inputs. We set out to fix the following:
  • Date & Time Inputs on web was sending data granular to seconds, even though we only allow end-users to work at the minute level. This could result in unexpected behavior where you’re relying on minute precision.
  • Date Inputs would sometimes include incorrect timezone offset data that would result in unexpected behaviors, such as Date values being saved in the database as 1 day later than actually selected.
  • Even if you set a Date Input component to be styled as a Date Text input, it would show as a Date & Time picker on certain screen sizes.
These changes bring more predictability to working with Dates and Date & Time properties in your Adalo apps. If you ran into any of these bugs in your apps, you'll need to publish a new version to get these fixes.
A few components wouldn't get rendered to the proper height, which made them appear squished. We caught it in the bar chart component, but the fix will apply to other components as well. A rebuild of native apps is required to get this latest fix.


The Adalo Builder


🏞️ Launched: Automatic Image Placeholders

We've started rolling out progressive image loading! Certain large images in your apps will show a blurry placeholder as the full image loads so that your users immediately see your design as intended.


The Adalo Builder


🚀 New Quick Add Menu and Hotkeys

With our new Quick Add Menu, it's easier than ever to quickly add the most used Adalo components to your app. For the keyboard shortcut pros, we also now have hotkeys for each of the following components:
  • Text (T)
  • Button (B)
  • Image (I)
  • Simple List (L)
  • Rectangle (R)
  • New Screen (N)
Screenshot 2024-03-18 at 8


The Adalo Builder

Bug Fixes


🚀 Improved Filtering Logic

We've been hard at work improving the predictability and reliability of filtering logic for your apps. We've squashed many, many bugs (more than a dozen!) that would make Custom List Filters logic behave differently than conditional visibility and actions. With this release we made List, Count, and Dropdown Filters more consistent and have made some new things possible, such as:
  • Checking to see if a record has a relationship across a many-to-one relationship by checking the Relationship’s ID property for Empty. For example: You can get a list of Leads that do not have a Sales Person assigned [many Leads, one Sales Person], by checking
    Current Leads > Sales Person > ID
    is equal to
  • Evaluating if a record does or does not have an image saved for an Image or File property. For example: Only show options in a Dropdown component that have a saved Contract [File property], by applying a custom filter to only show records where
    Contract > URL
    is not equal to
  • Evaluating if a record does or does not have an Location saved for a Location property. For example: Getting a count of all Restaurant Records that do not have a Location, by using a Magic Text Count of all Restaurants with a custom filter set to
    Restaurant's > Location > Full Address
    is equal to
A rebuild of your apps is required for these updates to be applied.
There are so many things you can do to retrieve and format the right data for your app screens whether for counts, lists, or conditional actions & visibility.
Screen actions can be a powerful asset when you are after a very specific user flow, but they weren't very reliable. We found a number of situations in which screen level actions were running when they shouldn't have. Screen Actions will now only run once when a user transitions to a screen or refreshes the current screen. A rebuild of your native apps will be required for this fix to take effect.
In some circumstances, lists that were using filters that checked if a date property was empty would crash the list causes nothing to show. This has been fixed and requires a rebuild of affected native apps.
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